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Vertex Colors Module

Adjust your material's parameters via mesh vertex colors

Vertex Colors can be a very useful source of data for your shaders. They can provide easy tinting solutions, or be used to pass data from particle systems. As there are a lot of potential uses for vertex colors - this is a standalone module that can work in any shader.

Vertex Colors InspectorVertex Colors Inspector


✨ This module is compatible with all lighting models


  • Albedo: Multiplies the albedo by the vertex color
    • Albedo Strength: Controls the strength of the albedo multiplier
  • Alpha: Multiplies the alpha by the vertex color
    • Alpha Strength: Controls the strength of the alpha multiplier
    • Channel: Controls which channel of the vertex color is used for the alpha multiplier
    • Alpha Premultiply: Multiplies the albedo by the Alpha. This is useful for things like Particle Effects or other additive shaders.
  • Emission: Multiplies the emission by the vertex color
    • Emission Strength: Controls the strength of the emission multiplier
  • Metallic: Multiplies the metallic by the vertex color
    • Metallic Strength: Controls the strength of the metallic multiplier
    • Channel: Controls which channel of the vertex color is used for the metallic multiplier
  • Smoothness: Multiplies the smoothness by the vertex color
    • Smoothness Strength: Controls the strength of the smoothness multiplier
    • Channel: Controls which channel of the vertex color is used for the smoothness multiplier
  • Occlusion: Multiplies the occlusion by the vertex color
    • Occlusion Strength: Controls the strength of the occlusion multiplier
    • Channel: Controls which channel of the vertex color is used for the occlusion multiplier