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Dither Fade Module

Fade objects in and out via dithering based on distance to camera

Uses cutout dithering to provide a fade effect. Dithering is performed in screen space and can be a litlte jarring in VR if used closed to camera.

A stable world-space dither might be available in the future.

Dither Fade Demo

Dither Fade InspectorDither Fade Inspector


✨ This module is compatible with all lighting models


  • Dither Texture: The texture used to fade the dissolve effect. Is expected to be a special Bayer/other dither texture. The shader package comes with one included
  • Fade Start: Controls the distance at which the fading will start. Is defined in World Units
  • Fade End: Controls the distance at which the fading will end. Is defined in World Units
  • Override Fade: When enabled - provides manual control over the fade. Useful for animations
  • Fade Progress: Only visible when Override Fade is enabled. Controls the fade progress, where 1 is fully faded out
Depth Fade