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Depth Fade Module

Fade objects in and out based on depth information

If you want to fade out some obejcts when they are close to a surface behind them - you can use the Depth Fade module to achieve that. It is set up to mimic unity's Soft Particles mode.

Depth Fade InspectorDepth Fade Inspector


✨ This module is compatible with all lighting models


  • Enable Depth Fade: Enables the effect
  • Near Distance: Controls the distance at which the object will start fading out
  • Far Distance: Controls the distance at which the object will be fully faded out
  • Alpha Premultiply: Multiplies the albedo by the alpha, which can be useful for things like particle effects or any other additive shaders

Requires Depth Pass

This effect requires a depth pass in the world. The easiest way to achieve one is to create a light with settings like this:

  • Intensity 0.001
  • Shadow Type: Hard Shadows
  • Strength: 0.001
  • Culling Mask: Only Stereo Left
Configurable Shaders